Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Adobe Photoshop

New technique i experimented with in Adobe Photoshop

The technique i had experimented with in Photoshop was the clone stamp tool which is when you click on a part of the picture then it i held in the cursor and when choosing a place to place the clone you start coloring it in which is from the part you clicked on in the first place, which makes a clone of that area



After using the clone stamp tool that is what the picture looked like, what i did was i clicked on the tree on the left and made one exactly like it right next to it on the left end of the picture and on the right i clicked on the tree to the right making a clone right next to it on the right end of the picture, also i cloned a part of the cloud and placed it twice on the top right area of the picture.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


How i have been able to complete the task:

i was able to complete my task as i got the expenses and fees of the things we pay for monthly and the different thing that we pay for monthly that i had included in my spreadsheet are rent, entertainment, food, gas, school, misc, savings, phones and housing and then with the expenses for each of the topics i  put it in the spread sheet showing the monthly budget total,the difference of actual prices and assumption prices, the percentage of the difference, average, maximum and minimum.

What i found most challenging:

what i found most challenging in this task was in the spreadsheet i used complex formulas and the complex formulas that i found challenging to use were percentage changed, maximum, minimum and adding the information onto separate graphs. also what i found most challenging not because of the level of difficulty but because of the patience needed which was asking for each of the expenses of the topics and then having to include it onto the spreadsheet one by one which takes time and needs patience which i challenging for me.

If i were to do it again how would i go about doing it: 

if i were to do it again i would use a lot more different types of complex formulas to give more information on the monthly budget and instead of making the information in a graph i would do it on a pie chart to make it easier to read and to let the information be more clear. Also if i were to do it again i would add more topics on the spreadsheet to make sure all the expenses are covered and to give the exact amount of fees we have spent in each month.


in conclusion i would have to say that it is easier using monthly budget in excel for my parents as it is easier to add up the totals, get the average, minimum, maximum and much more so the expenses will be exactly precise and it is much easier that doing the expenses on a piece of paper which would take ages and might end up not being accurate.

Peer evaluation:

"Your project is very well presented, everything is clear and easy to understand. I like that you used a lot of formulas and you showed what formulas you used. Your graph and your table is clear. I liked how you got the average, minimum and maximum of your data. The project turned out excellent and I really liked everything." - Matilda

"Your project included everything needed, you used a good range of complex formulas, including the graph which were a great addition. Your spreadsheet was very clear and simple to understand, and your reflection was very informative." - Grace

"Personally i loved your work as it included a large amount of what was needed and was presented well. Overall your work was very well done and had really good complex formulas." - Fatima 

More complex formulas

minimum and maximum 
